
❶2017年11月25日- 1) 関西旅行 - 芦屋 / Kansai Trip - Ashiya, 25th of November, 2017


2、3年前にF社の創業者がモデルになった話がNHK、連続テレビ小説 『べっぴんさん』(2016 - 2017)で、放映され、知名度があがったようです。

F社で出会った先輩のSさんは私の個展にいつも足を運んでくださり、前回の個展(2017年4月) にもいらしていただきました。


彼女はF社では事務職でしたが、"絵更紗 (エサラサ)" というお稽古事は長く続けており、そのグループ展もこれまで何度か開催しています。


それが11月25, 26日と兵庫県芦屋市であり、25日に鎌倉から向かいました。


KaramuI Group of Esarasa Exhibition
Although photographing was prohibited at the venue,
I was allowed to photograph S San's works.

The only company that I have worked for in my life is F Company and its head office is in Kobe.

A couple years ago NHK 's daily morning drama : Asadora "Beppin-san(2016 - 2017) was based on stories about the founding of F company and it seems that the public recognition of F Company  name has gone up.

One of my seniors, S San who I met in F Company  has always visited my solo exhibitions, including my last exhibition in April, 2017.

Incidentally, S San was then helping NHK with the morning drama production.

She was a clerical office at F Company , but  for a long time she has leant in lesson classes about "Esarasa" : Chintz-style textile and they have held several group exhibitions.

Because of various circumstances, I hadn't been able to go to any, so please do not miss it next time! I thought.

The Exhibition was in Ashiya CityHyōgo Prefecture on 25th and 26th of November, so I went there from KamakuraKanagawa Prefecture on the 25th.
Sさんの作品 / S San' Work

更紗とは、元井 三門里 (元井 翠 / モトイ ミドリ/ 1885 -1956) 氏により京都で考案された染色方法のひとつで、Sさんからその方法の説明を受けても、私には理解できませんでした。


S さんの作品も他の方の作品も、とても素晴らしく感じました。



Sさんの作品 / S San' Work

 "Esarasa" : Chintz-style textile is one of the dyeing methods invented by Midori Motoi (1885 - 1956) in Kyoto, Japan and S San explained about it to me, however, I did not understand enough.

 "Esarasa" is quite a complex method and my impression was that it takes time and I could not do it.

I felt both S San's work and the other's works were very wonderful.

I also was surprised that the method can make various things, such as pictures, bags kimonos and so on.

Since the method is troublesome and requires patience, it seems that young people can make many things easily with Computers in the present world so that the exhibitors are likely to be older.

I feel sorry about the tendency.
Sさんの作品 / S San' Work

F社の香りがします。 / I sense F Company.



It was a wonderful Exhibition.

Thank you very much.

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