
❺2017年10月27日- 奈良旅行 - 2) 法隆寺 : 西院伽藍/ Nara Trip : Hōryū-ji Temple -Western Precinct, 27th of October, 2017

目次 / Contents
1) 法隆寺と聖徳太子 / Hōryū-ji Temple and Prince Shotoku
   A. 斑鳩 / Ikaruga
   B. 法隆寺七不思議 / The Seven Wonders of Hōryū-ji Temple 
2) 西院伽藍 / Western Precinct

冊子 / Leaflet of Hōryū-ji Temple

Map : Back of Leaflet

 A. 斑鳩 / Ikaruga
信貴山の朝護孫子寺 (チョウゴソンジ)を後にし、法隆寺に向かいました。

両寺とも生駒山地 (イコマサンチ) の南端にあります。


法隆寺1993年に「法隆寺地域の仏教建造物」としてユネスコ世界遺産 (文化遺産) に登録され、これは日本最初の世界遺産登録でした。

日本書紀』(720完成) によれば聖徳太子 (574 - 622) は、601年に宮室 (斑鳩宮 / イカルガキュウ) 造営に着手し、605年に斑鳩宮に移り住みました。


現在、"夢殿" ⑭ がある処に、斑鳩宮があったと言われています。

法隆寺は、聖徳太子を宗祖とする、聖徳宗 (シュウトクシュウ) 総本山であり、
別名には、斑鳩寺 (イカルガデラ) または、法隆学問寺 (ホウリュウガクモンジ) などがあります。
公式サイト : 

聖徳太子 (574 - 622)
菊池容斎 (キクチヨウサイ/ 1781-1878) 画

Prince Shōtoku (574 - 622)
Drawing by Kikuchi Yōsai (1781-1878)
Speaking of Hōryū-ji Temple, Japanese think of Prince Shotoku.
画像は下記より/ This from below

We left Shigisan Chogosonshi-ji Temple in Mount Shigi  and went towards 
Hōryū-ji Temple.

Both temples are located at the southern end of the Ikoma Mountains .

The theme of this trip was sites registered by UNESCO World Heritage (Cultural Heritage).

This Temple is listed by UNESCO World Heritage as one of "Buddhist Monuments in the Hōryū-ji Area" and was Japan's first World Heritage Registration, in 1993.

'Ikaruga' is the area centered on Hōryū-ji Temple in Ikaruga-machi Nara Prefecture.

(It does not mean a shooting game: Ikaruga)

 "Nihon Shoki" (completed in 720) says that Prince Shotoku started construction of the Ikaruga Palace in 601 and moved into the Ikaruga Palace in 605.

Temple's history says that the Ikaruga Palace was completed in 607, and this is considered the beginning of Hōryū-ji Temple.

It is said that the Ikaruga Palace was where the "Yumedono" : "Hall of Visions" is now in Eastern Precinct ⑭.

Hōryū-ji Temple is the principal temple of the Shutoku-shu sect, which has 
29 temples, Prince Shōtoku (574 - 622) is Sect Founder.

Other names are Ikarugadera Temple or Hōryū Gakumonji : Hōryū Academy Temple, Learning Temple of the Flourishing Law, the complex serving as both 
a seminary and monastery.
Official Website : 

(Ikaruga is the area centered on Horyuji Temple in Ikaruga-chō Nara prefecture)
赤い部分 奈良県 
Red Part : Nara Prefecture
画像は下記より / This from below

B. 法隆寺七不思議 / The Seven Wonders of Hōryū-ji Temple 
私が高校生の時に、美術部の顧問の先生に、勧められたのが、梅原 猛 (1925 -)作の隠された十字架』(1972 / 新潮社)でした。


聖徳太子の死後 (622)、彼の息子、山背大兄王 (ヤマシロノオオエノオウ/ ?- 643) 
一族を蘇我入鹿 (ソガノイルカ / ? - 645) が根絶やしにしてしまい、そのことで、後に、聖徳太子の祟りが恐れられました。




でもこの本によって、私にとって法隆寺はミステリアスな お寺になったのです。



Cover of "Kakusareta jūjika" : "Hidden Cross"
[by Takeshi Umehara (1925 -) / 1972 / Shinchosha]
画像は下記より / This from below

The Seven Wonders of Hōryū-ji Temple
When I was a high school student, I was advised to read a book, "Kakusareta jūjika" : "Hidden Cross" by the Art Club's teacher.

I remember reading of the theory that Horyuji Temple was made not only for following the way of Buddha but also for calming the vengeful spirit of Prince Shotoku, with the supporting evidence in the book.

After Prince Shōtoku's death (622)Soga no Iruka (? - 645) eradicated the Prince's clan : his son, Prince Yamashiro (? - 643)'s family, and people thought that the Prince Shotoku would be vengeful to them and to their later generations.

From the book, the 'Seven Wonders of Hōryū-ji Temple' still remains in my memory.

I do not remember all seven, though I remember one of them being that there is a statue of Prince Shotoku somewhere in a building and its neck has a wooden peg to prevent his soul from escaping.

I think that this memory is according to that book, but perhaps the theory in the book may be different ...

Anyway  this book gives me my feeling that Hōryū-ji Temple is mysterious.

However, unfortunately, when I was there, I did not have a mysterious impression because this trip was so hurried and noisy.

Model of Hōryū-ji Temple
Precinct has the oldest group of wooden buildings in the world.
It is a very realistic model, isn't it?
画像は下記より / This from below

2) 西院伽藍 / Western Precinct 


金堂、五重塔、中門、回廊は聖徳太子在世時 (574 - 622) のものではなく、7世紀後半頃の再建ですが、世界最古の木造建造物群です。

Western Precinct (English Map →)
Pink : National Treasures / Purple : Important Cultural Properties
Green : Restroom

Western Precinct

The temple is about 187,000 m² in size, the Temple is in two parts, West and East.

The Temple is extraordinarily wide, so during the tour sightseeing time, I just could see the South Main Gate ①, the five Storey Pagoda ④, the Main Hall : Kondo ③, and the corridor in the Western Precinct (above) and a part of the "Yumedono" : "Hall of Visions" in Eastern 
Precinct ⑭.

The Main Hall, the Five Storey Pagoda, the Central Gate, Corridor are not from the time of Prince Shotoku (574 - 622),  they were rebuilt around the second half of the 7th Century and are the world's oldest group of wooden buildings.

Eastern Precinct (English Map →)

南大門 : 地図 ①

South Main Gate : Map ①
This is not included in the Model, above.
It is said that when the temple was built, 
it was on the stone stair in front of the Central Gate ②, 
being transferred here later due to the expansion of the temple.
Nowadays the Centre Gate is being repaired.
 There are A-un statues inside the Central Gate.


I do not know what the gate curtain means...
Is it Water Smoke : Suien?
(Suien : Although it is a flame design, it is regarded as water smoke to avoid fire.)


Souvenir shops and restaurants are lined up on both sides.

右手前: 五重塔④:32.45m / 真ん中 奥:金堂 (コンドウ)③
Front right : Five Storey Pagoda④ : 32.45m / Centre Back : Main Hall③





Long lines of children on school excursions are everywhere.

While trying to see the inside of the Five Storey Pagoda, I knew for the first time that the school guide was angry to some of us, that we should join the queue.

However, it seemed that guides deliberately did not tell adult tourists, so there were no other adults who joined the line of school trip excursion.

Adults, regardless of being Japanese or foreigners, looked when and where they could.

五重塔 : 五代思想
 Five Storey Pagoda : Five Elements (Japanese Philosophy)


屋根は、下から地 (基礎)、水 (塔身)、火 (笠)、風 (請花 / ウケバナ)、空 (宝珠) の意味があり、それぞれが5つの世界 (五大思想) を示し、仏教的な宇宙観を表しているそうです。



Five Elements (Japanese Philosophy)
This Five Storey Pagoda is the oldest pagoda in Japan.

The roofs represent, from the lowest, Earth (foundation), Water (tower), Fire (shade), Wind (shower), Void (precious orb), each showing Five Elements of the Worlds (the five great ideas), which depict the view of the Cosmos in Buddhism.

It might be good just to see it as beautiful or historical, though it might have been more impressive if I had known the meaning included in the building.

I feel that it is similar to the appreciation of contemporary art.
五重塔の相輪 (ソウリン)
Sōrin of the Five Storey Pagoda

Sōrin is the vertical shaft.

相輪は、"釈迦が荼毘に付された際に残された仏舎利を納めた塚であるストゥーパの上に重ねられた傘が起源" (Wikiより)とされています。

この五重塔の相輪 (ソウリン) には、鎌があり、聖徳太子の怨霊封じのためという説があります。

隠された十字架』の中でそのように言われていたのか、覚えていませんが ...。


Sōrin is said "when Buddha was cremated and left Śarīra, it was dedicated into the Stupa, and umbrellas were stacked on the the Stupa, the umbrellas are the origin of Sōrin."(From Japanese Wiki, translation by me).

There are sickles built into the Sōrin of this Five-Storey Pagoda, there is a theory that it was done to imprison Prince Shōtoku's vengeful spirit.

I do not remember if the theory came form the book, "Kakusareta jūjika" : "Hidden Cross" or not.....

In fact, they are said to pray against lightning strikes, and it is supposed to prevent the thunder monster from reaching down to the Pagoda.

金堂  :

 Kondo : Main Hall : 
Main Hall is the oldest building in Western Precinct.


Inside of Main Hall
Since photography is prohibited, I use this from the leaflet.

釈迦三尊像 : 飛鳥時代 (592 - 710)、国宝
薬師如来像 : 白鳳時代 (645 - 710)、国宝
阿弥陀三尊像 : 鎌倉時代 (1185頃 ~ 1192 - 1333)、重要文化財
吉祥天 : 平安時代 (792 - 1185頃 ~1192)、国宝


There are art works inside, below.
Shaka Triad Statue : Asuka Period (592 - 710), National Treasure
Yakushi Nyorai Statue : Hakuhō Period (645 - 710), National Treasure
Amida Nyorai Triad Statue : Kamakura Period (c1185 ~1192 -1333), important cultural property
Kisshōten Statue : Heian Period (792 - c1185 ~1192), National Treasure 
Japanese Angels and Fenghuang of Canopy : 
Hakuhō and Kamakura Periods, important cultural property

Others are there, too.
金堂の垂木 (タルキ) に龍を見つけてワクワク!
I was excited to find dragons in the rafters of Main Hall.



Here reminds me of abbey's cloisters


I become uneasy wondering whether it can be used ...
Somehow, I am attracted by fire-hydrants.

聖霊院 ⑩ :  
聖徳太子尊像 (平安末期) を安置するために、

 Shouryoin ⑩ : Hall of Prince Shōtoku's Soul 
Kamakura Period,  National Treasure
The Hall of Prince Shōtoku's Soul was remodeled from the southernmost part of the East Building in order to set the statue of Prince Shōtoku (late Heian Period).





It goes a long way back. I did not have time to enter inside, I just photographed the front.

It is said that Prince Shotoku statue is here.

Is this the statue which I remember as having a wooden peg?

The statues of the family of Prince Shotoku are enshrined here and I heard that the doors are opened to show them on 22nd of March every year.

I will write about Eastern Precinct in next section. 

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