
❶3月28日、 三浦しをん の本 - 『まほろ駅前多田便利軒』 / Shion Miura's Books - "The Handymen in Mhoro Town" , 28th of March, 2016

目次 / Contents 
1) プレゼント / Present 
2) 本と映画 / Original Book and the Film 

1) プレゼント / Present 

3年ほど前に友人 T ちゃんから『まほろ駅前多田便利軒』[三浦しをん (1976 -) / 2006 / 文藝春秋 ]を誕生日プレゼントの一つとしていただいていました。


T ちゃん、ありがとう、やっと読みましたよ〜!

A book : "The Handymen in Mhoro Town" [by Shion Miura (1976 -) / 2006 /

Bungeishunjūwas given as my birthday present by T Chan about three years ago.

The book was part of my mountain of unread books.

Thank you,  T Chan, at last I have read it!

三浦しをん (1976 -)
 2006 / Bungeishunjū

Another of Her Presents, a Bookcover

蝶々の部分が栞 (シオリ) になります。
The Butterfly becomes a bookmark.

2) 本と映画 / Original Book and the Film 




映画 : "まほろ駅前多田便利軒"  監督 大森立嗣 (オオモリ タツシ / 1970 -)

主役二人、多田 啓介 (タダ ケイスケ) 瑛太 (エイタ/ 1982) が、行天 春彦 (ギョウテン ハルヒコ) 松田龍平 (マツダリュウヘイ/ 1983) が演じています。








2作目:『まほろ駅前番外地』(2009) は、2013年にドラマ化 : "まほろ駅前番外地"
3作目 まほろ駅前狂想曲 (2013) 2014年に映画化 監督 : 大森立嗣)  :
            "まほろ駅前狂騒曲"  : されています。



Original Book and the Film 

The book was made into a film : "Tada's Do-It-All House" : "Mahoro Ekimae Tada Benriken"  [Director : Tatsushi Ōmori (1970 -) : ] in 2011. 

Actually I have seen the film in Internet before reading the book. 

While I watched the film, I remembered I have the original book.

The main characters are Eita (1982 -) as Keisuke Tada and Ryuhei Matsuda (1983 -) as Haruhiko Gyōten.

It was the first time I read one of Shion Miura's work.

When I read the book, I thought the actors are really close to the original image.

Even though the faces of the actors flickered in my reading, it did not interrupt me.

The stories of the film and the original are a little different, although the film has kept the original atmosphere. 

I enjoyed both until the end.

The book is not too light or too heavy, Joy, Anger, Grief and Pleasure mixed well, and sometimes made me laugh or smile, was easy to read and let me think that reading books is entertainment.   

I would read more of her works.

The book is one of the 'Mahoro Ekimae' series, below.
1) "The Handymen in Mahoro Town" (2006)  became the film: 
    "Tada's Do-It-All House" :  in 2011.
2) "The Handymen in Mahoro Town - location without an address" (2009) became 
    a TV drama : "No Address in Mahoro Town" in 2013.
3) "Mahoro Ekimae Kyôsôkyoku" (2013)  became  the film : 
    "Mahoro Ekimae Kyôsôkyoku" in 2014.

I did not know the series is very popular like this, however, I feel I understand the reasons.

Mahoro Ekimae Kyôsôkyoku" 
画像は下記より / This from below

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